Journey In Talmud

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Journey In Talmud


, Journeys in Talmud was authored by Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein, a noted scholar, teacher and lecturer. The book covers a number of subjects discussed in the Talmud, all relevant and pertinent to current practical, every day issues of life and Jewish observance. Each subject is treated clearly, concisely and with a light touch that makes for an easy read and a most enjoyable educational experience. The book traces each subject on its route from the original Talmudic source through the commentaries and opinions of the great medieval scholars and then to the development of the normative practice as seen today in the Jewish religious world. Many times the operation of Talmudic thought and the opinions of the decisors of Jewish practice appear to be arcane or even mysteriously magical to those of us who did not have the benefit of an intensive Talmudic education. This is a work that will help to unravel the mystery and enable the reader to gain a full understanding and grasp of important Talmudic subjects that shape our value system and Jewish life generally. The piquant quality of the Bernstein family s wit and wisdom shines forth from every page of the book. There are great translations and elucidations of the Talmud available today. But this book goes beyond the simple exposure of what the Talmud says, and brings the reader into the inner workings of Talmudic thought and halachic decision-making. It truly takes the reader on a journey over the famous sea of the Talmud. --Rabbi Berel Wein

Rabbi Bernstein presents various topics from the Talmud in a manner fit for a Torah scholar, yet so lucidly that they can be understood even by the novice. His style is clear, thought provoking and even entertaining. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to taste the sweet waters of Talmudic learning and to experience diving into the depths of the sea of "Talmudic discourse." --Rabbi Zev Leff

About the Author

Born and raised in London, Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein learned in Yeshivas Ateres Israel, Jerusalem and received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Chaim Walkin. Rabbi Bernstein teaches in Yeshivas Machon Yaakov, Jerusalem, as well as various seminaries, and gives regular shiurim on Chumash and Talmud which are open to the public. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife and five children.

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Manufacturers Barcode 978160091191
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